Thursday, December 13, 2018

18 Priorities for 2018 

1. Leave the country - we went to Belize twice. Contemplating actually buying land there next year! 

2. Find a house, preferably under $300K - did not come in under budget but nailed it. I love our house. 

3. Low buy all spring - did remarkably well with this. Saved money all year. 

4. Take Owen on a fun trip this summer - that baby child had an epic summer. 

5. Find a job in Houston - DONE DONE AND DONE. 

6. Save for the iphone X - purchased in January. Love that thing. 

7. Lose 15 more lbs - oops. can't hit all the goals, eh? Goal for 2019 is to lose 25 lbs. EEK.

8. Find a workout studio in Houstonn - YES MA'AM. not only do I have a great studio, I work there and we have an awesome community. 

9. Buy a peloton bike - Got it! Love it! 200+ rides under my belt. I'd say this goal was crushed.

10. Read 20 books - EPIC FAIL.

11. Reorganize all my workout plans - this goal was a tough one to meet with the way the year went. But I'm not mad at it. Life just had other plans. 

12. Survive the move and be nicer to Adam - I think we're good. We had a very, very tough year but at the end of it all, I love this man even more and can't imagine doing life with any other partner. 2018 was hard but what doesn't kill you makes you stronger and we. are. strong. now. 

13. Make plans for Scotland 2019 - Booking as a christmas day present to each other. 

14. Run a half marathon - was not in the cards for this year and that is ok. I'm not sure I'll ever run another one but I am doing so much else with my fitness that it's hard to be mad at it. 

15. Do a pull up - I need to see if I can actually do one! 

16. Find a local Houston ride or die beer - yeah. no. not sure this is going to happen. Blood and Honey is my life. 

17. Find a Shady's of our new neighborhood - not only one but we have 3-4 hangouts that we love, where we see people we know, where Bear frequently requests. We are all good here. 

18. Make 3 new friends when we move - DONE DONE AND DONE. We have our peeps we can call when we need. As I said before, 2018 challenged us in ways beyond our comfort zone but I think we're stronger and better for it. 

BRING IT ON 2019. 

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