Wednesday, June 12, 2013

6 week kidney update

We saw Owen's pediatric urologist on Monday afternoon.  Little man did awesome during the visit.  They weighed and measured him and he was 11 lbs, 8 oz and 23 inches long.  For those keeping score, he's gained 3 lbs from his original birthweight and almost 4 lbs in 4 weeks since his low at his two week appointment (7 lbs 10 oz).  He dominates food almost all day long so none of this came as a surprise to me.  In fact, I often look at him and think that he has grown overnight!

The urologist is a funny little man, I suppose one must be to be a wiener doctor.  He made a couple of weird comments about Owen's circumcision.  Awkward!  HA!  Owen had an ultrasound and he was great, just kind of laid there in wonderment.  His right kidney got the all clear that it looks good.  The left kidney has just a little bit of extra fluid and they hope it will go away by his checkup in 6 months.  Most of this extra monitoring is just so that Adam and I will be more aware and diligent of any illness issues possibly relating to this.  Most pediatricians will assume ear infection but we'll always be on the lookout for UTIs with Owen.

Other than that, he's great!  We had some fussier moments in the last week but he hit a huge growth spurt, obviously.  This week, he's back to his happy self and we get to see smiles now and then.  He had his first big road trip(s) to San Antonio this weekend and even made two separate drives to Austin. Good thing Mr. Bear likes car rides!

I saw my OB and got the all clear to resume all my normal activities and I can't wait to jump back into my workout schedule.  I will probably be taking it easier until after Owen gets his 8 week shots and then I'll be more comfortable taking him to childcare at the gym.  It was hard to hold it together during all of my OB's questions about post-partum depression.  The hormones were not a fun thing for me to deal with and baby blues took me by surprised with how severe they were.  The only thing that makes me feel like I don't have PPD is that I am fully aware of my insanity but just unable to control my emotions.  Every day gets a little bit better and Adam had his first overnight work trip last night and I didn't feel like I was going to fall apart or lose my mind.  Things are pretty ok around here!

1 comment:

  1. You're doing a great job mamma! And O-man is the cutest and sweetest!!
