Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Been even longer...

It's been awhile since Jen wrote, until last week, but it's been even longer since I have added something. How about a little re-cap:

Things have been going quite well since the last post. I have been doing more yoga with Jen and actually really enjoy it now. I bought my own mat so I'm official I guess. I have actually lost a bunch of weight in the process. I have not weighted this much since I was a freshman in college. Summer is now starting and it's Jen and I's favorite time of year. We enjoy biking and running and being outside most of the time. This summer will be a bit harder given that Jen will be in yoga school for much of it during the weekend, but I'm excited for her to start. I know this is going to be great for her and I know she is going to be a fantastic teacher when it's all said and done.

I am still rocking my therapy and it has been going pretty well. Good days and bad ones, but definitely more good than bad. I am truly thankful that I married such an amazing women because she helps me out so much on the bad ones. I have gotten over many of my fears and anxiety, but developed a few new ones I'm working on. Overall it has helped me become a much better person and a better husband, so for that I am thankful.

This weekend Jen and I are going to San Diego our best friends wedding. I'm sure the story has been told here, but one of Jen's best friends is marrying one of my best friends. We are both in the wedding and are very much looking forward to it. Plus both our parents will be there so it will be so nice to see everyone and have a little vacation for all thats going on in our lives.

Till next time.

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