Saturday, July 23, 2011

fifteen days and forty-nine hours

I have only 15 days until the formal end of my classes.  I have 48.75 more hours to earn by then.  Luckily, we have three intensive 8 hour days between now and the end so I should have no problem getting to the hours I need.  It's just hard to be standing at the bottom of this mountain and looking ahead to what I need to accomplish in a short amount of time.  All of this is kind of silly pressure that I'm putting on myself to finish but I want to be done with the certification as soon as possible so that I can hopefully continue to substitute teach at work between now and our move.

In relation to the move, I have so much anxiety that the condo won't sell and we won't be able to go to Dallas for some reason.  It's been a rough mental battle for me this week.  I know what I should be working toward feeling but my mind isn't cooperating with me and I have spent a lot of time anguishing over things that I have no control over and worrying about things that aren't going to happen.  What a waste!  Things are good.  We finally got the condo off the market yesterday after tons of unnecessary trauma!  We'll be hearing from two potential realtors soon and we both have high hopes that re-listing with a bigger company will help draw more traffic in and someone will take a shine to this place.  Again, why do I worry about things I can't control?  What I can control is working diligently on my 49 more hours.

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